Angela McEvitt - Exploring the Mind: Pathways to Well-being

Exploring the Mind: Pathways to Well-Being

Exploring the Mind: Pathways to Well-Being

“Don’t look for peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.” – Eckhart Tolle

The Miracle of Surrender

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often find ourselves in a relentless quest for peace. But what if the key to lasting tranquility lies not in chasing it, but in embracing our moments of unrest?

Eckhart Tolle’s profound words invite us to surrender to our present reality, no matter how turbulent, unveiling the miracle that acceptance brings.

The Wisdom of Sydney Banks

Sydney Banks, a remarkable philosopher, underlined the incredible power of our thoughts in shaping our reality. He taught that recognising our true nature — one connected to a divine intelligence — is fundamental to experiencing innate peace. By understanding that our external experiences are merely reflections of our internal thinking, we can navigate life with greater ease.

Banks emphasised the importance of inner stillness and presence. In this state, we access deeper truths that resonate with our being.‍

This awakening to our true nature fosters a profound realisation: peace is our natural state, obscured only by the chaotic noise of our thoughts.

Embracing The PAUSE

On this journey to inner peace, I have found the process I call The PAUSE to be exceptionally powerful.

This acronym stands for Presence, Allow, Untangle, Surrender, Embrace — a sequence designed to guide us towards tranquility.


To be present is to be fully engaged in the now, without judgment. It means recognising and appreciating the current moment for what it is, not what we wish it to be.

This mindfulness anchors us in reality and diminishes the influence of past regrets and future anxieties.


Allowing is about giving ourselves permission to feel our emotions without resistance. Whether it’s joy or sorrow, accepting our feelings as they come leads to a more authentic connection with ourselves.

This acceptance is what Eckhart Tolle describes as the path to peace.


Our minds can become tangled with complex thoughts and emotions. Untangling involves identifying these mental knots and gently unraveling them without punishment.

By sorting through our mental clutter, we create space for clarity and calm.


Surrender is the heart of The PAUSE. It means letting go of our need to control outcomes and trusting in the natural flow of life.

Surrendering doesn’t signify defeat; rather, it is a powerful act of aligning with the universe’s greater plan.


Embracing means welcoming whatever arises with open arms, including our imperfections. Self-compassion is central here, as it nurtures a loving relationship with ourselves and others.

By embracing all facets of our being, we foster a deep sense of belonging and ease.

The Path to Tranquility

By honouring The PAUSE in your daily life, you align yourself with the path towards tranquility and ease. This thoughtful practice integrates the teachings of both Eckhart Tolle and Sydney Banks, guiding you to recognise the profound connection between your thoughts, your true nature, and your innate peace.

Remember, the miracle of surrender unfolds when you wholeheartedly accept your present circumstances. So, take a deep breath, honour The PAUSE, and discover the wellspring of peace that lies within.

You can learn more about the art of pausing by clicking here.

With love,


Namaste- I honour the place in you in which the entire universe resides. I honour the place in you, of love, of light, of truth, and peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

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