Angela McEvitt - Seeing Clearly: Embracing Life with a Calm Mind

Seeing Clearly: Embracing Life with a Calm Mind

Seeing Clearly: Embracing Life with a Calm Mind

“True intelligence is a quiescent mind. It is a mind not held prisoner by thoughts which control you and make you see what-isn’t instead of what-is.”– Sydney Banks (taken from “Beyond Beliefs” by Linda Quiring)

Understanding My Unique Perspective

I’ve always been fascinated by how each of us views life so differently. Our perspectives are shaped by our upbringing, culture, experiences, and learning, forming a unique lens through which we interpret the world.

Yet, I’ve come to realise that this lens often distorts reality, clouding our judgment with biases and preconceived notions.

Discovering the Power of a Quiescent Mind

The teachings of Sydney Banks have been a beacon of light on my journey to clarity. According to Banks, true intelligence is found in a quiescent mind—a state of mental calmness and peace.

This concept resonated deeply with me. It highlighted how my incessant thoughts often trapped me, obscuring the simple truths of my experiences.

Surrendering to Innate Wisdom

One of the most transformative realisations I’ve had is that by pausing and surrendering to a quiescent mind, I can access my innate wisdom.

This change wasn’t overnight, but gradually, I started noticing a shift in how I perceived life. I began to see situations with more clarity, love, and understanding.

The Ripple Effect on My Life

As I embraced this new way of thinking, I noticed a remarkable reduction in my fears, worries, and regrets. The mental clutter that once dominated my mind started to dissipate.

I found myself living with more ease and grace, unburdened by the unnecessary weight of distorted thinking.

Living with Clarity, Love, and Understanding

Now, each day feels like a fresh opportunity to see the world as it truly is, unfiltered and filled with potential.

There’s a profound sense of freedom in knowing that I can step back from the chaos of thought and embrace a mindset that fosters love and understanding.

Embracing Sydney Banks’ Path to Inner Peace

Sydney Banks’ teachings have opened a door to a more fulfilling and harmonious life. By encouraging a quiescent mind, I’ve learned to access the wisdom and clarity that lie within all of us. It’s a journey I cherish, and one I hope others can experience too.

In embracing this perspective, I’ve come to live a life not just of existence, but of true presence and appreciation. It’s a path to inner peace and a life well-lived.

You can learn more about the art of pausing by clicking here.

With love,


Namaste- I honour the place in you in which the entire universe resides. I honour the place in you, of love, of light, of truth, and peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

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