Angela McEvitt - Thought-Created Experience blog

The Power of Perceiving a Thought-Created Experience

Embracing Life’s Uncertainties: The Power of Perceiving a Thought-Created Experience

“Thought is not reality; yet it is through Thought that our realities are created.” – Sydney Banks

Understanding the Thought-Created Experience

Life, as we perceive it, is an intricate tapestry of moments and experiences, seamlessly woven together by the threads of our thoughts. Sydney Banks, a visionary in the realm of psychology and spirituality, introduced the profound idea that our experience of life is crafted entirely by our thoughts.

This insight has the power to transform how we approach our lives. When we realise that our reality is shaped by our perceptions, we unlock the ability to navigate through life’s ebbs and flows with grace and agility.

Embracing this perspective allows us to hold our experiences lightly, adapting swiftly to the ever-changing tides of time without losing our core essence

Seeing Life Through a Different Lens

When we grasp the essence of being the creators of our own realities through our thoughts, we begin to understand the power we hold within. The concept of living in a thought-created experience shifts our perception from being victims of circumstances to being empowered architects of our destinies.

This shift in perspective enables us to approach life with a sense of curiosity and openness, knowing that every experience is shaped by the thoughts we choose to entertain.

Nurturing the Inner Spark of Genius

At the heart of our being lies a vibrant spark of “genius”—a fusion of aliveness, intelligence, and creativity. This innate brilliance animates our being, empowering us to flourish and relish life’s joys, regardless of uncertainties ahead.

Nurturing this genius requires a mindful exploration of our inner selves, attuning to our deepest aspirations. By tending to this inner light, we embrace a profound tranquility, where happiness and satisfaction bloom without constraints of certainty or control over outcomes.

The Transformative Power of PAUSE

In my coaching practice, we embrace the essence of PAUSE—an acronym that stands for Presence, Allow, Untangle, Surrender, Embrace. This concept serves as a cornerstone in helping individuals enhance their self-awareness and spend more of their day in a state of tranquility, love, understanding, and compassion.

By incorporating PAUSE into our daily routines, we invite a moment of stillness amidst life’s chaos, offering ourselves the space to be fully present and engage with our experiences without resistance.

Presence – Take a slow, deep breath and become aware of your surroundings and where your mind has taken you. Are you stuck in the past or an uncertain future?

Allow – Allow your mind to quieten as you notice the sensations in your body begin to settle.

Untangle – Detach your attention from any worrisome thoughts or stories you are carrying.

Surrender – Into the stillness and peace that is always there, beneath our stories, ideas, and concepts.

Embrace – All of who you are, including your strengths, vulnerabilities, and past hurts, with love, understanding, and compassion.

Journey Towards Wholeness and Compassion

These philosophies reflect a profound understanding of human spirituality and mindfulness. As we integrate the wisdom of the PAUSE into our daily lives, we embark on a meaningful journey towards wholeness and self-discovery.

Through its transformative power, we cultivate a deeper awareness of our interconnectedness with the world, fostering a sense of peace, love, understanding, and compassion not only towards ourselves but also towards others.

Adopting these principles elevates our lives and fosters a global community where understanding and compassion become the foundation of human connection.


Embracing Inner Wisdom and Resilience

Incorporating the insights of Sydney Banks and the practice of PAUSE into our lives is more than just a journey of personal growth; it is a transformative process that aligns us with our natural equilibrium.

Having recently gone through numerous unexpected changes in my personal life, I find solace in this reminder that, in the face of life’s uncertainties, we possess the innate ability to navigate through them with grace, allowing us to grow and evolve into our best selves.

If you would like to experience the benefits of the PAUSE, I invite you to download my free “Take a Moment for You” meditation. You can easily sign up for it on my home page and allow yourself to be guided through the practice.

With love,


Namaste- I honour the place in you, in which the entire universe resides. I honour the place in you, of love, of light, of truth, and peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

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